Saturday, 29 October 2016

School Magazine Designs

In the process of constructing my magazine covers I thought carefully about my target audience in which are 11-18 year olds that are in education. I felt that it had to be eye catching and bold for them to want to pick the magazine up and read it.
To produce the covers I used the Fireworks software which allowed me to change the different areas into different colours and enhancing different features.
Before starting the cover I researched what different magazine covers display and the reason behind it and how it had relevancy to the target audience and what the magazine was promoting.  I then thought of what could be in the magazine and why it would be appropriate so that I was able to add text to the cover to give an insight into what the magazine would include. In this I concluded that having articless that involve homework and revision tips would be relevant as every student has experience with this topic and then a more entertaining section like films and TV programmes to endure in, which consumes most of the younger generation,  along with other topics.
Firstly, I created a masthead in which I thought would be effective and would reflect what the magazine is offering along with the school it is promoting. I then decided the positions of the masthead, text, lures etc. I placed them in areas that I felt were easy to see and read as the target audience need to clearly see what is being shown to them. I created each piece of text on the cover in a different font so that it conveyed what the text was showing, for example like ‘Halloween costume ideas’, the font used was a horror themed font. I did this because I felt that the typography on covers portray the type of people that read the magazine, I felt that having different font styles would make it more fun and enjoyable to look at which is suitable for my target audience as it is not boring and dull ,I felt it made the magazine less serious.

I decided to keep one of the covers masthead black with little colour so that the image in the background would have bright lighting not only emphasising the masthead but also the feature and the other texts on the page. 

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